
Description Two parts format. The first one is a piece of 300×250 pixels and the second one is a piece that can be 500×500, 970×510 or 1000×1000 pixels and appears with fade effect or slide down.
In the first impact (frequency one), the second part can automatically expand with a delay of 5 seconds. In the following impacts it will expand by user interaction.
Size Standar piece: 300×250 píxels
Expandible piece: 500×500, 970×510, 1000×1000 pixels
Format html5, redirect (https)
Max weight Standar piece: 50 Kb
Expandable piece: 150 Kb
Audio/Video The player should display the play, pause, stop and volume controls.
The player should start mute and should not be in an infinite loop, but you can add a replay button.
The player can start autoplay as long as the video/audio does not exceed 2Mb.
ClickTag Here’s an example of a click tag inserted in an HTML document:

<meta name=»ad.size» content=»width=300,height=250″>
<script type=»text/javascript»>
var clickTag = «http://www.google.com»; </script>
[The rest of your creative code goes here.] </html>

Your creative must use the click tag variable as the click-through URL:

<a href=»javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)»>
<img src=»images/dclk.png» border=0>
Restrictions The expandable piece must always have the closing tap.
The expandable piece of 980×600 pixels must always have the closing tap.
If the expandable piece contains video, the player must have the play, pause and stop controls.
The expandable piece must be folded with the closing tap, or when the animation ends, it must have a maximum length of 7 seconds.
In case of HTML:
Native programming, avoiding the use of editing programs that add third-party frameworks.
The upload of external resources (images, CSS and JS) will be through absolute URL. In an exceptional case of coming with relative url, maximum of 10 requests.
Consumption CPU should not exceed 30% on a core i5 computer.
The initial load, under normal network conditions (wifi or 4G), should not exceed 100 Kbs.
z-index value Standar piece z-index = 9
Expandable piece z-index = 900000